Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
Tests completed in 83 milliseconds.
267 assertions of 267 passed, 0 failed.
- Setting Up: test if the mask method exists after plugin insertion (0, 1, 1)Rerun2 ms
- mask function should exists
- Simple Masks: Masks with only numbers. (0, 3, 3)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Simple Masks: When I change the mask on-the-fly things should work normally (0, 6, 6)Rerun3 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Simple Masks: When I change the mask on-the-fly with onChange callback things should work normally (0, 9, 9)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Simple Masks: When I change the mask on-the-fly with onKeyPress callback things should work normally (0, 9, 9)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Simple Masks: #onInvalid callback. should call when invalid (0, 9, 9)Rerun0 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Simple Masks: #onInvalid callback. should not call when valid (0, 2, 2)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- Simple Masks: When I typed a char thats the same as the mask char (0, 5, 5)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Simple Masks: When I typed exactly the same as the mask (0, 7, 7)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Simple Masks: Testing masks with a literal on the last char (0, 1, 1)Rerun0 ms
- okay
- Masks with numbers and especial characters: Masks with numbers and special characters. (0, 7, 7)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Masks with numbers and especial characters: Testing masks with a annonymous function (0, 7, 7)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Masks with numbers and especial characters: Masks with numbers, strings e special characters (0, 14, 14)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Masks with numbers and especial characters: Masks with numbers, strings e special characters #2 (0, 7, 7)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Testing Reversible Masks: Testing a CPF Mask (0, 27, 27)Rerun4 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Testing Reversible Masks: Testing Reverse numbers with recursive mask (0, 17, 17)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Testing Reversible Masks: Testing numbers with recursive mask (0, 13, 13)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Testing Reversible Masks: Testing numbers with recursive mask with one # (0, 12, 12)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Testing Reversible Masks: Testing numbers with recursive mask with one # and reverse (0, 12, 12)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Testing Reversible Masks: Testing reversible masks with a literal on the last char (0, 1, 1)Rerun0 ms
- okay
- Removing mask: when I get the unmasked value (0, 4, 4)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Getting Unmasked Value: when I get the unmasked value (0, 2, 2)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- Getting Unmasked Value: when I get the unmasked value with recursive mask (0, 2, 2)Rerun0 ms
- okay
- okay
- Masking a value programmatically: when I get the masked value programmatically (0, 1, 1)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- personalized settings: when adding more itens to the table translation (0, 2, 2)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- personalized settings: when adding more itens to the table translation #2 (0, 2, 2)Rerun0 ms
- okay
- okay
- personalized settings: when adding more itens to the table translation #3 (0, 2, 2)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- personalized settings: when adding more itens to the table translation #fallback (0, 2, 2)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- personalized settings: test the translation #fallback #1 (0, 5, 5)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- personalized settings: test the translation #fallback #2 (0, 5, 5)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- personalized settings: test the translation #fallback #3 (0, 5, 5)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- personalized settings: when adding opcional chars (0, 16, 16)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- personalized settings: when aplying mask on a element different than a form field (0, 8, 8)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Testing data-mask attribute support: Testing data-mask attribute (0, 6, 6)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Testing data-mask attribute support: Testing data-mask-reverse attribute (0, 3, 3)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- Event fire test: onChange Test (0, 2, 2)Rerun5 ms
- okay
- okay
- Event fire test: onDrop Test (0, 1, 1)Rerun0 ms
- todo
- testing Remove If Not Match Feature: test when clearifnotmatch javascript notation (0, 4, 4)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- testing Remove If Not Match Feature: test when clearifnotmatch javascript notation #2 (0, 4, 4)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- testing Remove If Not Match Feature: test when clearifnotmatch is HTML notation (0, 3, 3)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- testing Remove If Not Match Feature: test when clearifnotmatch javascript notation (0, 1, 1)Rerun0 ms
- okay
- testing Remove If Not Match Feature: test when clearifnotmatch with optional mask (0, 9, 9)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- testing Remove If Not Match Feature: test when clearifnotmatch with recursive mask (0, 4, 4)Rerun1 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- dynamically loaded elements: #non-inputs (0, 5, 5)Rerun2 ms
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
- okay
test markup, will be hidden